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What is a destructive update?

I see a lot of functional programming related topics mention destructive updates. I understand that it is something similar to mutation, so I understand the update part. But what is the destructive part? Or am I just over-thinking it?

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Plumenator Avatar asked Aug 06 '11 01:08


1 Answers

You're probably overthinking it a bit. Mutability is all there is to it; the only thing being "destroyed" is the previous value of whatever you mutated.

Say you're using some sort of search tree to store values, and you want to insert a new one. After finding the location where the new values goes, you have two options:

  • With an immutable tree, you construct new nodes along the path from the new value's location up to the root. Subtrees not along the path are reused in the new tree, and if you still have a reference to the original tree's root you can use both, with the common subtrees shared between them. This economizes on space with no extra effort if you have lots of slightly-different copies floating around, and of course you have all the usual benefits of immutable data structures.

  • With a mutable tree, you attach the new value where it belongs and that's that; nothing else has to be changed. This is almost always faster, and economizes on memory allocation if you only ever have one copy around, but anything that had a reference to the "old" tree now has a reference to the new one. The original has been destroyed; it's gone forever. If you need to keep the original around, you have to go to the expense of creating an entirely new copy of the whole thing before changing it.

If "destruction" seems an unnecessarily harsh way to describe a simple in-place update, then you've probably not spent as much time as I have debugging code in order to figure out where on Earth some value is being changed behind your back.

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C. A. McCann Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11

C. A. McCann