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Statically "extend" a record-ish data type without indirection hassle

I am currently working with a three-level process for which I need some information to flow being accessed and updated. The information is also three-leveled, in such a way that a process at one level may need to access/update information at its level and at higher levels.

type info_0 = { ... fields ... }
type info_1 = { ... fields ... }
type info_2 = { ... fields ... }

fun0 will do some stuff with an info_0, then pass it to fun1 along with an info_1, then get back the resulting info_0 and proceed, calling another fun1 with another info_1. The same happens at the lower level.

My current representation has

type info_0 = { ... fields ... }
type info_1 = { i0: info_0; ... fields ... }
type info_2 = { i1: info_1; ... fields ... }

In fun2, updating info_0 get pretty messy:

let fun2 (i2: info_2): info_2 =
    i2 with
      i1 = {
        i2.i1 with
          i0 = update_field0 i2.i1.i0

Something simpler would be:

type info_0 = { ... fields ... }
type info_1 = { ... fields ... }
type info_2 = { ... fields ... }
type info_01 = info_0 * info_1
type info_012 = info_0 * info_1 * info_2

let fun2 (i0, i1, i2): info_012 =
  (update_field0 i0, i1, i2)

Does the last solution look good?

Is there an even better solution to this kind of problem? (for instance, one where I could write a function that can handle updating a field0, no matter whether it's dealing with a info_0, info_1 or info_2)

Would OCaml modules help? (I could include a Sig0 inside Sig1 for instance...)

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Ptival Avatar asked Feb 21 '12 14:02


3 Answers

What you need is an idiomatic way of updating nested immutable data structures. I don't know any relevant work in OCaml, but there are a few techniques available in Scala/Haskell including Zippers, Tree rewriting, and Functional lenses:

Cleaner way to update nested structures

Is there a Haskell idiom for updating a nested data structure?

For F#, a descendant of OCaml, functional lenses gives a nice solution. Therefore, lenses is the most relevant approach here. You can get the idea of using it from this thread:

Updating nested immutable data structures

since F# record syntax is almost the same as that of OCaml.


As @Thomas mentioned in his comment, there is a complete implementation of lenses in OCaml available here. And particularly, gapiLens.mli is of our interest.

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pad Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11


You seem to want the ability to treat a more complex value as though it was a simpler one. This is (more or less) the essence of the OO model. I usually try to avoid the OO subset of OCaml unless I really need it, but it does seem to meet your needs here. You would have a base class corresponding to info_0. The class info_1 would be a subclass of info_0, and info_2 would be a subclass of info_1. It's worth thinking about, anyway.

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Jeffrey Scofield Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Jeffrey Scofield

As Jeffrey Scofield suggested, You can save the hassle at use and update time by using classes: make info_1 a derived class, and a subtype, of info_0, and so on.

class info_1 = object
  inherit info_0
  val a_1_1 : int
  method update_a_1_1 v = {<a_1_1 = v>}
let x : info_1 = new info_1 … in
let y = x#update_a_1_1 42 in

The downside of this direct object approach is that all the data in an object is copied if you update any of the fields; you can't share the info_0 pieces between x and y.

You can use objects and retain the sharing behavior from your design with records, but the boilerplate at definition time and the constant run-time overhead become larger.

class info_1 = object
  val zero : info_0
  method get_a_0_1 = zero#get_a_0_1
  method update_a_0_1 = {<zero = zero#update_a_0_1>}
  val a_1_1 : int
  method get_a_1_1 = a_1_1
  method update_a_1_1 v = {<a_1_1 = v>}
let x : info_1 = new info_1 … in
let y = x#update_a_1_1 42 in
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Gilles 'SO- stop being evil' Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11

Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'