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What is a component of an REST API called?

Is there a name for one piece of an API?

For example, say I have an API the offers four services:


Then say, I want to tell a colleague:

The API is going to need a fifth webhook?

I know this is an incorrect use of the word webhook.

What is the correct terminology? Thanks!

UPDATE: This might be a duplicate. krishna kanth's answer here: What is an Endpoint? is:

The term Endpoint was initially used for WCF services. Later even though this word is being used synonymous to API resources, REST recommends to call these URI (URI[s] which understand HTTP verbs and follow REST architecture) as "Resource".

In a nutshell, a Resource or Endpoint is kind of an entry point to a remotely hosted application which lets the users to communicate to it via HTTP protocol.

like image 572
D.S. Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 04:03


1 Answers

I think the word you're looking for is resource. I also think that getting and setting would be combined under a single resource and the HTTP calls to that resource would define whether you are GETing or PUTing (setting in REST using HTTP).

like image 129
Omnomnious Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 17:03
