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What would be Openshift REST API equivalent of a process template command

I am automating some continuous delivery processess that use openshift 3.5. They work fine from a command line, but I can hardly find any documentation of how the oc commands map to the OCP REST API. I've figured out how talk to the API and use what it directly offers. For example, I have a line:

oc process build-template -p APPLICATION_NAME=worldcontrol -n openshift | oc create -f - -n conspiracyspace

That takes a template named "build-template" from "openshift" namespace and processes it, piping the resulting definition to build a few objects like application image, into another namespace. I would appreciate an example of how this could be expressed in http request terms.


Following @Graham's hint, here is what I got. First request is getting the contents of the template:

curl -k -v -XGET  -H "User-Agent: oc/v3.5.5.15 (linux/amd64) openshift/4b5f317" -H "Authorization: Bearer ...." -H "Accept: application/json, */*" https://example.com/oapi/v1/namespaces/openshift/templates/build-template

Then apparently the oc client expands the parameters internally, and feeds the result into the POST:

curl -k -v -XPOST  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "User-Agent: oc/v3.5.5.15 (linux/amd64) openshift/4b5f317" -H "Accept: application/json, */*" -H "Authorization: Bearer ...." https://example.com/oapi/v1/namespaces/openshift/processedtemplates
like image 648
ptrk Avatar asked Mar 08 '23 17:03


1 Answers

Run the oc command with the option --loglevel=10. This will show you what REST API calls it makes underneath and thus you can work out what you need to do to do the same thing with just the REST API. Do note that certain things may be partly done in the oc client, rather than delegating to a REST API endpoint call.

like image 155
Graham Dumpleton Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 16:03

Graham Dumpleton