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What exception classes are in the standard C++ library

What are the exception classes that are included in the standard C++ library, and what should they be used for? I know there are a few new C++11 exceptions, but I'm not sure what they are or where they are.

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Mooing Duck Avatar asked Aug 13 '12 17:08

Mooing Duck

People also ask

Where are standard exception classes?

Where are standard exception classes grouped? Explanation: As these are standard exceptions, they need to be defined in the standard block, So it is defined under namespace std.

What library is exception in?

The C++ Standard library provides a base class specifically designed to declare objects to be thrown as exceptions. It is called std::exception and is defined in the <exception> header.

How many types of standard exceptions are in C++?

There are nine standard exceptions in c++. They are bad_alloc, bad_cast, bad_exception, bad_function_call, bad_typeid, bad_weak_ptr, ios_base::failure, logic_error and runtime_error.

1 Answers

std::exception <exception> interface (debatable if you should catch this)     std::bad_alloc <new> failure to allocate storage         std::bad_array_new_length <new> invalid array length     std::bad_cast <typeinfo> execution of an invalid dynamic-cast     std::bad_exception <exception> signifies an incorrect exception was thrown     std::bad_function_call <functional> thrown by "null" std::function     std::bad_typeid <typeinfo> using typeinfo on a null pointer     std::bad_weak_ptr <memory> constructing a shared_ptr from a bad weak_ptr     std::logic_error <stdexcept> errors detectable before the program executes         std::domain_error <stdexcept> parameter outside the valid range         std::future_error <future> violated a std::promise/std::future condition         std::invalid_argument <stdexcept> invalid argument         std::length_error <stdexcept> length exceeds its maximum allowable size         std::out_of_range <stdexcept> argument value not in its expected range     std::runtime_error <stdexcept> errors detectable when the program executes         std::overflow_error <stdexcept> arithmetic overflow error.         std::underflow_error <stdexcept> arithmetic underflow error.         std::range_error <stdexcept> range errors in internal computations         std::regex_error <regex> errors from the regular expression library.         std::system_error <system_error> from operating system or other C API             std::ios_base::failure <ios> Input or output error 

Source: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/error/exception
In practice, most exceptions are custom exceptions derived from logic_error and runtime_error. Not that these are neglected, but that many exceptions are domain specific.

Keep in mind that an exception should reflect what went wrong and not who threw it. (No "MyProgramException"s)

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Mooing Duck Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

Mooing Duck