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What does this line of code mean *((int*)(0))=1;? [duplicate]




So the line of code in question is:


Because I have so little experience with C/C++ and haven't tried very hard, I don't understand this simple expression. What does it mean exactly?

like image 587
cgf Avatar asked Aug 01 '14 08:08


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It's typically used to force a crash or other system-dependent undefined behaviour; usually for testing or debugging purposes. You wouldn't want a line like this in your production code. Note: There are some architectures, usually in embedded systems, where zero is a valid memory address, and the code above may have a legitimate purpose.

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1 Answers

It's meant to crash the program, typically useful during debugging.

It'll dereference the NULL pointer and attempt to assign a value to that memory, which is theoretically just undefined behavior, but will result in an access violation exception on 99% of systems.

Typically, it's found in cases such as:

if ( !FileRead(importantFile) )
    // this should never happen, critical exception
like image 73
Luchian Grigore Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 12:09

Luchian Grigore