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What does the "$" character mean in Ruby?

Been playing with Ruby on Rails for awhile and decided to take a look through the actual source. Grabbed the repo from GitHub and started looking around. Came across some code that I am not sure what it does or what it references.

I saw this code in actionmailer/test/abstract_unit.rb

root = File.expand_path('../../..', __FILE__)  begin  require "#{root}/vendor/gems/environment"  rescue LoadError  $:.unshift("#{root}/activesupport/lib")  $:.unshift("#{root}/actionpack/lib") end  lib = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib") $:.unshift(lib) unless $:.include?('lib') || $:.include?(lib)  require 'rubygems' require 'test/unit'  require 'action_mailer' require 'action_mailer/test_case' 

Can someone tell me what the $: (a.k.a. "the bling") is referencing?

like image 263
Scott Radcliff Avatar asked Dec 13 '09 15:12

Scott Radcliff

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1 Answers

$ identifies a global variable, as opposed to a local variable, @instance variable, or @@class variable.

Among the language-supplied global variables are $:, which is also identified by $LOAD_PATH

like image 113
Justin Love Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10

Justin Love