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In a Rails Migration (MySQL), can you specify what position a new column should be?

If I'm adding a column via MySQL, I can specify where in the table that column will be using the AFTER modifier. But if I do the add_column via a Rails migration, the column will be created at the end of the table.

Is there any functionality for rails migrations to specify the position of an added column?

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yalestar Avatar asked Dec 16 '08 16:12


People also ask

How do I down a specific migration in Rails?

To run a specific migration up or down, use db:migrate:up or db:migrate:down . The version number in the above commands is the numeric prefix in the migration's filename. For example, to migrate to the migration 20160515085959_add_name_to_users.

How Rails db Migrate works?

When you run db:migrate, rails will check a special table in the database which contains the timestamp of the last migration applied to the database. It will then apply all of the migrations with timestamps after that date and update the database table with the timestamp of the last migration.

Can you edit a migration file Rails?

Occasionally you will make a mistake when writing a migration. If you have already run the migration then you cannot just edit the migration and run the migration again: Rails thinks it has already run the migration and so will do nothing when you run rake db:migrate.

3 Answers

This is now possible in Rails 2.3.6+ by passing the :after parameter


To everyone that doesn't see the advantage in having this feature: do you never look at your database outside of the ORM? If I'm viewing in any sort of UI, I like having things like foreign keys, status columns, flags, etc, all grouped together. This doesn't impact the application, but definitely speeds up my ability to review data.

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Gabe Martin-Dempesy Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

Gabe Martin-Dempesy

Sure you can.

  • Short answer:

    add_column :users, :gender, :string, :after => :column_name
  • Long answer:

Here is an example, let's say you want to add a column called "gender" after column "username" to "users" table.

  1. Type rails g migration AddGenderToUser gender:string
  2. Add "after => :username" in migration that was created so it looks like this:

    class AddSlugToDictionary < ActiveRecord::Migration
      def change
        add_column :users, :gender, :string, :after => :username
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Tamik Soziev Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

Tamik Soziev

I created a patch that adds this additional functionality to the ActiveRecord Mysql adapter. It works for master and 2-3-stable.


It might be mysql specific, but it doesn't make your migrations any less portable (other adapters would just ignore the extra positioning options).

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Ben Marini Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

Ben Marini