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Rails 4 how to ignore pending migrations

Problem is following:

  • I have db/seed.rb full of initial data.
  • One of migrations depends on data this seed provides.
  • I'm trying to deploy my app from empty db.

Result is:

  • RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate - fails due to lack of initial data
  • RAILS_ENV=production rake db:seed - fails due to pending migrations

I wanted to somehow tell rake to ignore pending migrations, but unable to do it so far.

UPDATE (due to additional experience)

Sometimes migrations and model code goes out of sync, so migrations not being run. To avoid this problem recently used redefining of model in migrations:

# reset all callbacks, hooks, etc for this model
class MyAwesomeModel < ActiveRecord::Base

class DoSomethingCool < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
like image 507
Waterlink Avatar asked Nov 27 '13 13:11


2 Answers

I am not very sure if this will help you. But I was looking for something and found this question. So it looks like this might help:

In RAILS_ROOT/config/environments/development.rb Set the following setting to false:

 config.active_record.migration_error = false#:page_load

In my situation it now does not show the pending migration error anymore. Should work for rake tasks and console for the same environment as well.

like image 145
whizcreed Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09


Rename the migration dependent on the data from:




(add a dot at the start of the filename)

Then run rake db:seed (it will no longer complain on the pending migrations) and then rename back the migration.

If you have more migrations following after, you have to rename all of them or just move it temporary away.

like image 39
mirelon Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09
