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Programmatically get the number of jobs in a Resque queue

I am interested in setting up a monitoring service that will page me whenever there are too many jobs in the Resque queue (I have about 6 queues, I'll have different numbers for each queue). I also want to setup a very similar monitoring service that will alert me when I exceed a certain amount of failed jobs in my queue.

My question is, there is a lot of keys and confusion that I see affiliated with Resque on my redis server. I don't necessarily see a straight forward way to get a count of jobs per queue or the number of failed jobs. Is there currently a trivial way to grab this data from redis?

like image 629
randombits Avatar asked Jun 27 '12 21:06


3 Answers

yes it's quite easy, given you're using the Resque gem:

require 'resque'


will return a hash

e.g/ =>

      :pending => 54338,
      :processed => 12772,
      :queues => 2,
      :workers => 0,
      :working => 0,
      :failed => 8761,
      :servers => [
      [0] "redis://"
    :environment => "development"

So to get the failed job count, simply use:


which would give => 8761 #in my example

To get the queues use:


this returns a array

e.g./ =>

    [0] "superQ",
    [1] "anotherQ"

You may then find the number of jobs per queue:


e.g/ Resque.size("superQ") or Resque.size(Resque.queues[0]) .....

like image 140
gef Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 00:11


Here is a bash script which will monitor the total number of jobs queued and the number of failed jobs.

while :
  let sum=0
  let errors=$(redis-cli llen resque:failed)
  for s in $(redis-cli keys resque:queue:*)
    let sum=$sum+$(redis-cli llen $s)
  echo $sum jobs queued, with $errors errors
  sleep 1 # sleep 1 second, probably want to increase this

This is for Resque 1.X, 2.0 might have different key names.

like image 35
The Who Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 23:11

The Who

There is also a method Resque.queue_sizes That returns a hash of the queue name and size

Resque.queue_sizes => {"default"=>0, "slow"=>0}

like image 3
Joshua Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 22:11
