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Skip before_filter in Rails

Names and objects have been simplified for clarity's sake. The basic concept remains the same.

I have three controllers: dog, cat, and horse. These controllers all inherit from the controller animal. In the controller animal, I have a before filter that authenticates a user as such:

before_filter :authenticate  def authenticate   authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |name, password|     name == "foo" && password == "bar"   end end 

In the show action of dog, I need to have open access to all users (skip the authentication).

If I were to write the authentication separately for dog, I could do something like this:

before_filter :authenticate, :except => :show 

But since dog inherits from animal, I do not have access to the controller-specific actions. Adding :except => :show in the animal controller will not only skip authentication for the show action of dog, but also that of cat and horse. This behaviour is not desired.

How can I skip the authentication only for the show action of dog while still inheriting from animal?

like image 857
Yuval Karmi Avatar asked Mar 05 '10 21:03

Yuval Karmi

1 Answers

class Dog < Animal   skip_before_filter :authenticate, :only => :show end 

See ActionController::Filters::ClassMethods for more info on filters and inheritance.

like image 188
Jimmy Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
