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What does status=canceled for a resource mean in Chrome Developer Tools?

What would cause a page to be canceled? I have a screenshot of the Chrome Developer Tools.

Canceled Resource

This happens often but not every time. It seems like once some other resources are cached, a page refresh will load the LeftPane.aspx. And what's really odd is this only happens in Google Chrome, not Internet Explorer 8. Any ideas why Chrome would cancel a request?

like image 982
styfle Avatar asked Aug 17 '12 16:08


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When you cancelled your request on the client side, you sent a Fin and the server's TCP stack Ack'd it, which confirms that the client-to-server direction is now closed. So it would be illegal for your client to send more data to the server on that connection now.

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Press Cmd + Shift + P (Mac) or Cmd + Shift + P (Windows, Linux, Chrome OS) to open the Command Menu, then start typing bottom / left / right / undock .

1 Answers

We fought a similar problem where Chrome was canceling requests to load things within frames or iframes, but only intermittently and it seemed dependent on the computer and/or the speed of the internet connection.

This information is a few months out of date, but I built Chromium from scratch, dug through the source to find all the places where requests could get cancelled, and slapped breakpoints on all of them to debug. From memory, the only places where Chrome will cancel a request:

  • The DOM element that caused the request to be made got deleted (i.e. an IMG is being loaded, but before the load happened, you deleted the IMG node)
  • You did something that made loading the data unnecessary. (i.e. you started loading a iframe, then changed the src or overwrite the contents)
  • There are lots of requests going to the same server, and a network problem on earlier requests showed that subsequent requests weren't going to work (DNS lookup error, earlier (same) request resulted e.g. HTTP 400 error code, etc)

In our case we finally traced it down to one frame trying to append HTML to another frame, that sometimes happened before the destination frame even loaded. Once you touch the contents of an iframe, it can no longer load the resource into it (how would it know where to put it?) so it cancels the request.

like image 94
whamma Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09
