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How do you debug PHP scripts? [closed]

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How do I debug PHP locally?

You must configure your PHP Executable through the PHP Executables Preferences page before you can debug locally. To locally debug a PHP Script: Set breakpoints at the relevant places in the file that you would like to debug by double-clicking the vertical marker bar to the left of the editor. Save the file.

How do I debug PHP in Chrome?

Q: How to debug PHP in Chrome? A: You can easily debug PHP in Chrome using a simple extension called PHP Console. Just install this PHP debugging tool from the Chrome web store and start logging errors, warnings, exceptions, and vars dump on your Chrome browser.

Try Eclipse PDT to setup an Eclipse environment that has debugging features like you mentioned. The ability to step into the code is a much better way to debug then the old method of var_dump and print at various points to see where your flow goes wrong. When all else fails though and all I have is SSH and vim I still var_dump()/die() to find where the code goes south.

You can use Firephp an add-on to firebug to debug php in the same environment as javascript.

I also use Xdebug mentioned earlier for profiling php.

This is my little debug environment:

assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1);
assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
assert_options(ASSERT_BAIL, 0);
assert_options(ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 0);
assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'assert_callcack');

function assert_callcack($file, $line, $message) {
    throw new Customizable_Exception($message, null, $file, $line);

function error_handler($errno, $error, $file, $line, $vars) {
    if ($errno === 0 || ($errno & error_reporting()) === 0) {

    throw new Customizable_Exception($error, $errno, $file, $line);

function exception_handler(Exception $e) {
    // Do what ever!
    echo '<pre>', print_r($e, true), '</pre>';

function shutdown_handler() {
    try {
        if (null !== $error = error_get_last()) {
            throw new Customizable_Exception($error['message'], $error['type'], $error['file'], $error['line']);
    } catch (Exception $e) {

class Customizable_Exception extends Exception {
    public function __construct($message = null, $code = null, $file = null, $line = null) {
        if ($code === null) {
        } else {
            parent::__construct($message, $code);
        if ($file !== null) {
            $this->file = $file;
        if ($line !== null) {
            $this->line = $line;

Xdebug and the DBGp plugin for Notepad++ for heavy duty bug hunting, FirePHP for lightweight stuff. Quick and dirty? Nothing beats dBug.

XDebug is essential for development. I install it before any other extension. It gives you stack traces on any error and you can enable profiling easily.

For a quick look at a data structure use var_dump(). Don't use print_r() because you'll have to surround it with <pre> and it only prints one var at a time.

<?php var_dump(__FILE__, __LINE__, $_REQUEST); ?>

For a real debugging environment the best I've found is Komodo IDE but it costs $$.

PhpEd is really good. You can step into/over/out of functions. You can run ad-hoc code, inspect variables, change variables. It is amazing.