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What does ‘serial’ do?



From the docs that say,

Returns the self-reference to the instance itself:
    my $b; # defaults to Any 
    say $b.serial.^name;   # OUTPUT: «Any␤» 
    my $breakfast = 'food';
    $breakfast.serial.say; # OUTPUT: «food␤» 

I do not have the foggiest what this routine does, please can someone explain?

like image 765
p6steve Avatar asked May 09 '19 11:05


People also ask

What does a serial do?

In computing, a serial port is a serial communication interface through which information transfers in or out sequentially one bit at a time. This is in contrast to a parallel port, which communicates multiple bits simultaneously in parallel.

What does serial do in Arduino?

Used for communication between the Arduino board and a computer or other devices. All Arduino boards have at least one serial port (also known as a UART or USART), and some have several. On Uno, Nano, Mini, and Mega, pins 0 and 1 are used for communication with the computer.

Why is serial still used?

The first reason is that there are tons of devices out there that still use serial interfaces. For example, many of the sensors that ship today are still heavily relying on serial port connectivity. The serial interface is simple from the device side and requires only a UART and transceiver in most cases.

What are the types of serial?

There are two broad types of serial communication: synchronous and asynchronous. There are a very large number of different standards and protocols for serial communication, ranging from the very simple to the seriously complicated. It is important to match the right protocol with the right application.

1 Answers

On Supplys, it is an informational method that is supposed to indicate whether there will never be any concurrent emit on that Supply.

On HyperSeq and RaceSeq, it returns a serialized Seq, so you could consider it the opposite of the hyper and race method.

In general, it appears to return itself, which seems to make sense from the HyperSeq and RaceSeq point of view.

And yes, these should be documented properly, so please create a documentation issue. Thank you!

like image 157
Elizabeth Mattijsen Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 08:10

Elizabeth Mattijsen