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How do use a sort on a hash in a for





I have a hash %h and I want to process the data in a for statement in alphabetical order of keys.

But if I use a sort on the hash I get a list of Pairs, which is understandable. But how do I unpack this for a for statement.

Currently I'm using the following:

my %h = <xabsu ieunef runf awww bbv> Z=> 1..*; # create a hash with random key names
for %h.sort { 
  my ($name, $num) = (.key, .value);
  say "name: $name, num: $num"
# Output
# name: awww, num: 4
# name: bbv, num: 5
# name: ieunef, num: 2
# name: runf, num: 3
# name: xabsu, num: 1

But I would prefer something like the more idiomatic form:

my %h = <xabsu ieunef runf awww bbv> Z=> 1..*; # create a hash with random key names
for %h.sort -> $name, $num {   
  say "name: $name, num: $num"
# Output
# name: awww       4, num: bbv       5
# name: ieunef     2, num: runf      3
# Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1
#   in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1

I'm sure there is a neater way to 'unpack' the Pair into a signature for the for statement.

like image 658
Richard Hainsworth Avatar asked Aug 24 '20 12:08

Richard Hainsworth

People also ask

How do I sort a hash value in Perl?

First sort the keys by the associated value. Then get the values (e.g. by using a hash slice). my @keys = sort { $h{$a} <=> $h{$b} } keys(%h); my @vals = @h{@keys}; Or if you have a hash reference.

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Video Answer

1 Answers

Raising @Joshua 's comment to an answer, a neater way is:

%h.sort.map(|*.kv) -> $name,$num { ... }

This uses two Raku features:

  • * inside the map is the Whatever star to create a closure
  • | flattens the resultant list, so that after -> the $name, $num variables do not need to be inside parens.
like image 71
Richard Hainsworth Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 06:10

Richard Hainsworth