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What does "%" (percent) do in PowerShell?

People also ask

What does %% mean in PowerShell?

% is an alias for the ForEach-Object cmdlet. An alias is just another name by which you can reference a cmdlet or function.

What are the 5 arithmetic operators in PowerShell?

You can use one or more arithmetic operators to add, subtract, multiply, and divide values, and to calculate the remainder (modulus) of a division operation. In addition, the addition operator ( + ) and multiplication operator ( * ) also operate on strings, arrays, and hash tables.

What is the comment character in PowerShell?

Syntax Description You can type a comment symbol ( # ) before each line of comments, or you can use the <# and #> symbols to create a comment block. All the lines within the comment block are interpreted as comments. Each section of comment-based Help is defined by a keyword and each keyword is preceded by a dot ( . ).

When used in the context of a cmdlet (such as your example), it's an alias for ForEach-Object:

> Get-Alias -Definition ForEach-Object

CommandType     Name                                                Definition
-----------     ----                                                ----------
Alias           %                                                   ForEach-Object
Alias           foreach                                             ForEach-Object

When used in the context of an equation, it's the modulus operator:

> 11 % 5


and as the modulus operator, % can also be used in an assignment operator (%=):

> $this = 11
> $this %= 5
> $this


A post PowerShell - Special Characters And Tokens provides description of multiple symbols including %

% (percentage)

1. Shortcut to foreach.
Task: Print all items in a collection.
... | % { Write-Host $_ }

2. Remainder of division, same as Mod in VB.
5 % 2

% can replace Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object { write-host $_.Name } which will not work without either the % or the ForEach-Object.