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Powershell: How can I stop errors from being displayed in a script?

When my PowerShell script tries, for example, to create a SQL Server object for a server that doesn't exist ("bla" in my case), PowerShell displays lots of PowerShell errors in red.

Since my script checks the value of $? after such calls, and displays and logs errors, I'd rather not have the several lines of PowerShell errors displayed as well.

How can I deactivate those being displayed for my script?

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Andrew J. Brehm Avatar asked Dec 05 '11 16:12

Andrew J. Brehm

People also ask

How do you catch errors in PowerShell?

Use the try block to define a section of a script in which you want PowerShell to monitor for errors. When an error occurs within the try block, the error is first saved to the $Error automatic variable. PowerShell then searches for a catch block to handle the error.

What is SilentlyContinue in PowerShell?

-ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue suppresses the error message and continues executing the command. -ErrorAction:Stop displays the error message and stops executing the command. -ErrorAction:Suspend is only available for workflows which aren't supported in PowerShell 6 and beyond.

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Typically, the verbose message stream is used to deliver more in depth information about command processing. By default, the verbose message stream is not displayed, but you can display it by changing the value of the $VerbosePreference variable or using the Verbose common parameter in any command.

Does try catch stop execution PowerShell?

“try” is a PowerShell block that you want PowerShell to monitor for errors. When any error occurs during the script execution, it will immediately stop at that point and move onto the Catch block if the error is a terminating error.

2 Answers

You have a couple of options. The easiest involve using the ErrorAction settings.

-Erroraction is a universal parameter for all cmdlets. If there are special commands you want to ignore you can use -erroraction 'silentlycontinue' which will basically ignore all error messages generated by that command. You can also use the Ignore value (in PowerShell 3+):

Unlike SilentlyContinue, Ignore does not add the error message to the $Error automatic variable.

If you want to ignore all errors in a script, you can use the system variable $ErrorActionPreference and do the same thing: $ErrorActionPreference= 'silentlycontinue'

See about_CommonParameters for more info about -ErrorAction. See about_preference_variables for more info about $ErrorActionPreference.

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JNK Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09


Windows PowerShell provides two mechanisms for reporting errors: one mechanism for terminating errors and another mechanism for non-terminating errors.

Internal CmdLets code can call a ThrowTerminatingError method when an error occurs that does not or should not allow the cmdlet to continue to process its input objects. The script writter can them use exception to catch these error.

EX :

try {   Your database code } catch {   Error reporting/logging } 

Internal CmdLets code can call a WriteError method to report non-terminating errors when the cmdlet can continue processing the input objects. The script writer can then use -ErrorAction option to hide the messages, or use the $ErrorActionPreference to setup the entire script behaviour.

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JPBlanc Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
