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What does mean of using the "this" keyword in Dart?





I'm sorry if this sounds like an extremely foolish question but it's really been bugging me.

What is the "this." that I see? Whenever I see the documentation in flutter I see it used in things like the following in the documentation:


I'll be more than happy to also read up any links or documentation regarding it.

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sunbeam Avatar asked Oct 12 '20 19:10


People also ask

Why we use this in Dart?

This keyword in dart is used to remove the ambiguity that can be caused if the class attributes and the parameters have the same name. This keyword basically represents an implicit object pointing to the current class object.

What is the use of this keyword in flutter?

The this keyword is used to point the current class object. It can be used to refer to the present class variables. We can instantiate or invoke the current class constructor using this keyword. We can pass this keyword as a parameter in the constructor call.

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The @required annotation marks named arguments that must be passed; if not, the analyzer reports a hint. With null safety, a named argument with a non-nullable type must either have a default or be marked with the new required keyword.

What is the meaning of the keyword this and how can the keyword be used?

The this keyword refers to the current object in a method or constructor. The most common use of the this keyword is to eliminate the confusion between class attributes and parameters with the same name (because a class attribute is shadowed by a method or constructor parameter).

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3 Answers

Basically, this keyword is used to denotes the current instance. Check out the below example.

void main() {
  Person mike = Person(21);

class Person {
  double height;
  Person(double height) {
    height = height;


When we run this dart code, it outputs null as the height. Because we have used height = height inside the Person constructor, but the code doesn't know which height is the class property.

Therefore, we can use this keyword to denotes the current instance and it will help the code to understand which height belongs to the class. So, we can use it as below and we will get the correct output.

void main() {
  Person mike = Person(21);

class Person {
  double height;
  Person(double height) {
    this.height = height;

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Randil Tennakoon Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 20:11

Randil Tennakoon

The 'this' keyword refers to the current instance. You only need to use this when there is a name conflict. Otherwise, Dart style omits the this.

class Car {
  String engine;

  void newEngine({String engine}) {
    if (engine!= null) {
      this.engine= engine;

So you can be consistent with the name of your parameters, either in the constructor or in some function in the class.

class Car {
  String engine;

  void updateEngine({String someWeirdName}) {
    engine = someWeirdName;

If you don't have a name conflict, you don't need to use this.

In other languages ​​like Python and Swift, the word 'self' will do the same thing as 'this'.

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Luiz Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 20:11


Use of this keyword

The this keyword is used to point the current class object.

It can be used to refer to the present class variables.

We can instantiate or invoke the current class constructor using this keyword.

We can pass this keyword as a parameter in the constructor call.

We can pass this keyword as a parameter in the method call.

It removes the ambiguity or naming conflict in the constructor or method of our instance/object.

It can be used to return the current class instance.
like image 44
Ronak Patel Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 20:11

Ronak Patel