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How to add some delay between AnimationController.repeat() in Flutter

I need to add some delay between each iteration of animation gets call to repeat. Something like the following image. enter image description here

I tried to do it by passing value to the period parameter of the repeat method but it was not what I expected.

_controller = AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: widget.period)
      ..addStatusListener((AnimationStatus status) {
        if (status != AnimationStatus.completed) {
        if (widget.loop <= 0) {
          //_controller.repeat(period: Duration(microseconds: 5000));
        } else if (_count < widget.loop) {
          _controller.forward(from: 0.0);

I've also tried to add Tween with the animation. That didn't help either. Can you help me clarify where I went wrong?

      animation: Tween<double>(begin: 0.0, end: 1.0).animate(
          parent: _controller,
          curve: Interval(0.5, 1.0)
      child: widget.child,
      builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) => _Shiner(
        child: child,
        direction: widget.direction,
        gradient: widget.gradient,
        percent: _controller.value,
        enabled: widget.enabled,
like image 505
SUDESH KUMARA Avatar asked Oct 07 '20 03:10


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1 Answers

Thanks to @pskink Now it's working as I expected. All you have to do is repeat the controller yourself instead of trying to add delay to controller.repeat()

if(status == AnimationStatus.completed){
 Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 5000),(){
   _controller.forward(from: 0.0);
like image 167
SUDESH KUMARA Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 12:10