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What does an @ symbol mean in a Rust declarative macro?

I have seen the @ symbol used in macros but I cannot find mention of it in the Rust Book or in any official documentation or blog posts. For example, in this Stack Overflow answer it is used like this:

macro_rules! instructions {
    (enum $ename:ident {
        $($vname:ident ( $($vty: ty),* )),*
    }) => {
        enum $ename {
            $($vname ( $($vty),* )),*

        impl $ename {
            fn len(&self) -> usize {
                match self {
                    $($ename::$vname(..) => instructions!(@count ($($vty),*))),*

    (@count ()) => (0);
    (@count ($a:ty)) => (1);
    (@count ($a:ty, $b:ty)) => (2);
    (@count ($a:ty, $b:ty, $c:ty)) => (3);

instructions! {
    enum Instruction {
        Two(u8, u8),
        Three(u8, u8, u8)

fn main() {
    println!("{}", Instruction::None().len());
    println!("{}", Instruction::One(1).len());
    println!("{}", Instruction::Two(1, 2).len());
    println!("{}", Instruction::Three(1, 2, 3).len());

From the usage, it appears that it is used for declaring another macro that is local to the main one.

What does this symbol mean and why would you use it rather than just creating another top-level macro?

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Peter Hall Avatar asked Jan 28 '19 16:01

Peter Hall

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What does tt mean in Rust?

I'm reading a book about Rust, and start playing with Rust macros. All metavariable types are explained there and have examples, except the last one – tt . According to the book, it is a “a single token tree”.

What is a declarative macro?

The most widely used form of macros in Rust is the declarative macro. These are also sometimes referred to as “macros by example,” “ macro_rules! macros,” or just plain “macros.” At their core, declarative macros allow you to write something similar to a Rust match expression.

How do macros work in Rust?

Rust has excellent support for macros. Macros enable you to write code that writes other code, which is known as metaprogramming. Macros provide functionality similar to functions but without the runtime cost. There is some compile-time cost, however, since macros are expanded during compile time.

What is Proc macro in Rust?

Procedural macros allow you to run code at compile time that operates over Rust syntax, both consuming and producing Rust syntax. You can sort of think of procedural macros as functions from an AST to another AST. Procedural macros must be defined in a crate with the crate type of proc-macro .

1 Answers

In the pattern-matching part of a macro, symbols can mean whatever the author desires them to mean. A leading symbol @ is often used to denote an "implementation detail" of the macro — a part of the macro that an external user is not expected to use.

In this example, I used it to pattern-match the tuple parameters to get a count of the tuple parameters.

Outside of macros, the @ symbol is used to match a pattern while also assigning a name to the entire pattern:

match age {
    x @ 0 => println!("0: {}", x),
    y @ 1 => println!("1: {}", y),
    z => println!("{}", z),

With a bit of a stretch, this same logic can be applied to the use in the macro — we are pattern-matching the tuple, but also attaching a name to that specific pattern. I think I've even seen people use something even more parallel: (count @ .... However, The Little Book of Rust Macros points out:

The reason for using @ is that, as of Rust 1.2, the @ token is not used in prefix position; as such, it cannot conflict with anything. Other symbols or unique prefixes may be used as desired, but use of @ has started to become widespread, so using it may aid readers in understanding your code.

rather than just creating another top-level macro

Creating another macro is likely better practice, but only in modern Rust. Before recent changes to Rust that made it so you could import macros directly, having multiple macros could be tricky for end users who tried to selectively import macros.

See also:

  • Internal rules in The Little Book of Rust Macros
  • Why must I use macros only used by my dependencies
  • What does the '@' symbol do in Rust?
  • Appendix B: Operators and Symbols
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Shepmaster Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 20:10
