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New posts in rust-macros

Is it possible to create a macro that implements Ord by delegating to a struct member?

rust rust-macros

Is macro_rules a regular macro?

rust rust-macros

Is it possible to get the expansion of a single macro instead of the whole file?

rust rust-cargo rust-macros

Pass entire macro input to another macro

Is there a way to pass named arguments to format macros without repeating the variable names?

rust rust-macros

Calculating maximum value of a set of constant expressions at compile time

rust rust-macros

How do I create a proc_macro_attribute?

Cyclic package dependency while implementing proc macro

write! macro does not compile in a separate method when taking reference

rust rust-macros

Build all pairs of elements (quadratic set) in declarative macro

How do I create a function-like procedural macro?

Custom literals via Rust macros?

rust rust-macros

How to simplify mathematical formulas with rust macros?

rust rust-macros

How do I debug macros?

rust rust-macros

What does #[macro_use] before an extern crate statement mean?

rust rust-macros

Why do proc-macros have to be defined in proc-macro crate?

How to report errors in a procedural macro using the quote macro?

How to programmatically get the number of fields of a struct?