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What does a space in a jquery selector mean?

I ran into a reaction I couldn't explain today while working with some very basic Jquery today and I was hoping one of you could explain to me what is occurring to lead to these results

So I have a DOM model (simplified here)

<div class="ObjectContainer">     <div class="Object">         <div>stuff</div>     <div class="Object">         <div>stuff</div> 

The idea was to set an attribute on the last Object using this code:

$('div.ObjectContainer').find('div.Object :last').attr("index", "1"); 

I understand now the code here was incorrect and the proper find selector should be 'div.Object:last', but it is the results I don't understand. When I executed the first code this occurred:

<div class="ObjectContainer">     <div class="Object">         <div index="1">stuff</div>     <div class="Object">          <div>stuff</div> 

Could someone explain to me how my initial selector managed to set an attribute on a child node?

like image 532
Aardvark Avatar asked Jul 28 '11 21:07


People also ask

What do the jQuery selectors in this code select?

jQuery selectors allow you to select and manipulate HTML element(s). jQuery selectors are used to "find" (or select) HTML elements based on their name, id, classes, types, attributes, values of attributes and much more.

What is $$ in jQuery?

$ sign is just a valid javascript identifier which is used as an alias for jQuery. Prototype, jQuery, and most javascript libraries use the $ as the primary base object (or function). Most of them also have a way to relinquish the $ so that it can be used with another library that uses it.

2 Answers

Spaces indicate matching against descendants. For every space, you're descending (at least) one level and applying your selector to the children of the previously selected elements.

For example:


Will match a <div> with the container and post classes, while the following:

div.container .post 

...will match any element with the class post which descend from a <div> with a class of container.

This will match <div class="container"><p class="post"></p></div>, but it will also match any .post, no matter how deeply nested it is:

<div class="container">   <div>     <div>       <a class="post"> <!-- matched -->     </div>   </div> </div> 

You can think of it as matching in stages: First elements matching div.container are found, and then each of those elements (and all of their sub elements) are searched matches against .post.

In your case, div.Object :last first finds all <div> tags with the Object class, and then searches within each of those for elements matching :last, that is any element which is the last element in its container. This applies to both <div index="1">stuff</div> and <div>stuff</div>.

Spaces work exactly the same way as chaining multiple calls to find, so if you understand how that works, you can understand how spaces affect a selector. These are identical:

$('div#post ul.tags li'); $('div#post').find('ul.tags').find('li'); 
like image 175
meagar Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 17:09


$('div.ObjectContainer').find('div.Object :last') results in a wild card effect. it looks for any child with the psudo class of :last. Thus it simply picked div:last. It's equivalent to $('div.ObjectContainer').find('div.Object div:last')

like image 38
Joseph Marikle Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

Joseph Marikle