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jQuery - How to get attribute of an element when using the 'click' event

I'm using jQuery to get a click on an 'a' element. I have a list of those links where each one has a class which by him I'm capturing the click.

I would like to know which of the links has been clicked (I have an attribute 'setid' for each link) and also get the point where the mouse has been clicked.

How could this be accomplished?

example of the code:

<a href="#" class="newItem" setid="28">click me</a>  $('.newItem').click(function (e) {     alert(e.attr('setid')); }); 

EDIT: OK, so to get the position I would use e.pageX

like image 693
Roman Avatar asked Sep 22 '11 18:09


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1 Answers

To use jQuery methods you have to wrap this with a call to jQuery.

$('.newItem').click(function () {     alert($(this).attr('setid')); }); 
like image 86
BNL Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09