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How to bubble events on a component subcomponent chain with Vue js 2?

I have my vue application using:

component-parent component that is made of component-child

inside component-parent I have buttons, when someone click a button I want to emit an event in order to be handled by vue and passed to another component

What I did so far:

var vm = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    methods: {
        itemSelectedListener: function(item){
            console.log('itemSelectedListener', item);

Vue.component('component-child', {
    template: ' <span  v-on:click="chooseItem(pty )" >Button  </span>',
    methods: {
        chooseItem: function(pty){
            this.$emit('itemSelected', {
                'priority' : pty

Vue.component('component-parent', {
    template: '<component-child  v-for="q in items" ></component-child>'


<component-parent v-on:itemSelected="itemSelectedListener"  ></component-parent>

It reaches my console.log(pty); line but it seems that this.$emit('itemSelected' wont get through:

console.log('itemSelectedListener', item); // this is not going to be called...

an hint?

should I bubble up the event from child->parent->Vue-instance? ( I also tried that but with no success)

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koalaok Avatar asked Feb 03 '17 16:02


4 Answers

There is one issue with your component-parent template as it tries to render multiple child components. Vue usually requires a single root div inside components therefore you need to wrap it in a div or other tag.

    <component-child  v-for="q in items"></component-child>

A second thing to point out is that you emit an event from a child component which is 2 levels down and you listen to it in the root.

Root //but you listen to the event up here 1 level above
 Component 1 //you should listen to the event here
  Component 2 //your try to emit it from here

You have 2 options here. Either emit from component-child listen to that event in component-parent then propagate that event upwards. Fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/bjqwh74t/29/

The second option would be to register a global so called bus which is an empty vue instance that you can use for such cases when you want communication between non child-parent components. Fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/bjqwh74t/30/

Usually between parent and child components you use the events directly by emitting from child and listening in parent with v-on:event-name="handler" but for cases where you have more levels between components you use the second approach.

Doc link for the first case: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#Using-v-on-with-Custom-Events

Doc link for the second case: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#Non-Parent-Child-Communication

PS: prefer using kebab-case for event names which means you write with - instead of capital letters. Writing with capital letters can result in weird situations where your event is not caught in the root.

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Cristi Jora Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10

Cristi Jora

For what it's worth you can use the browser's event API. It requires a little more scripting than Vue's built-in stuff, but it also gets you around these bubbling issues (and is about the same amount of code as creating a "bus", as in the accepted answer).

On child component:

this.$el.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('itemSelected', { detail: { 'priority' : pty }, bubbles: true, composed: true });

On parent component, in mounted lifecycle part:

mounted() {
    this.$el.addEventListener('itemSelected', e => console.log('itemSelectedListener', e.detail));
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codeMonkey Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 20:10


It's a little bit late but here's how I did it:




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behnam Tehrani Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 22:10

behnam Tehrani

In your child component, simply use $emit to send an event to the $root like this:


Then, in your parent component (eg: "App"), setup the listener in the Vue mounted lifecycle hook like this:

  export default {
    mounted: function() {
      this.$root.$on('hamburger-click', function() {
        console.log(`Hamburger clicked!`);
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Geek Stocks Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 20:10

Geek Stocks