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In JQuery, how to pass the element that was clicked to the method that is called on onclick event



I have several of these lines on a page:

<div class="save-button" onclick="Save()">Save</div> 

In my Save() method I want to manipulate the div that was clicked to call the Save() method. How do I pass that in (I think $(this) ), without resorting to ids?

Many thanks!

like image 875
Barka Avatar asked Sep 22 '11 18:09


People also ask

How do you pass an element to a onclick function?

To pass this element to JavaScript onclick function and add a class to that clicked element, we can set the onclick attribute to a function that's called with this . to set the onclick attribute to the a elements to call onClick with this .

How do you pass this function in JavaScript?

You can use addEventListener to pass this to a JavaScript function.

How do you know which element is clicked?

To check if an element was clicked, add a click event listener to the element, e.g. button. addEventListener('click', function handleClick() {}) . The click event is dispatched every time the element is clicked. Here is the HTML for the examples in this article.

Which property is used to get the clicked element?

To get the clicked element, use target property on the event object. Use the id property on the event. target object to get an ID of the clicked element.

2 Answers

Either remove the save() and use click() to catch the event:

<div class="save-button">Save</div> <script> $('.save-button').click(function () {     // Now the div itself as an object is $(this)     $(this).text('Saved').css('background', 'yellow'); }); </script> 

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Or if you insists on using such function as save():

<div onClick="save(this)">Save</div> <script> $(function () {     save = function (elm) {         // Now the object is $(elm)         $(elm).text('Saved').css('background', 'yellow');     }; }); </script> 

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EDIT (2015): .on('click', function)

<div class="save-button">Save</div> <script> $('.save-button').on('click', function () {     // Now the div itself as an object is $(this)     $(this).text('Saved').css('background', 'yellow'); }); </script> 
like image 161
Kalle H. Väravas Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Kalle H. Väravas

Inside the event handler, this refers to the clicked element. However, inside the function you call from the event handler, which is Save, this will refer to window.

You can explicitly set what this should refer to inside Save via call [MDN] (or apply):

onclick="Save.call(this, event || window.event);" 

then you can use it inside the function as $(this):

function Save(event) {     // `this` refers to the clicked element     // `$(this)` is a jQuery object     // `event` is the Event object }; 

But as you are using jQuery, you really should do


to bind the event handler. Mixing markup with logic is not a good style. You should separate the presentation from the application logic.

Or if you want Save to accept an element as parameter, then just pass it:


and with jQuery:

$('.save-button').click(function() {     Save(this); }); 
like image 38
Felix Kling Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Felix Kling