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jqGrid with automatic height; but has a max height & scrollbars




Is there any way to get jqGrid to adjust its height automatically to the number of rows; but when a certain height is reached that its height cannot increase anymore and that the vertical scrollbar apprears?

Thanks D

like image 965
Dieter Avatar asked May 05 '11 09:05


People also ask

How does jqGrid increase height?

I would recommend you to set "max-height" property on the bdiv of jqGrid and use height:'100%' or height:'auto' : $("#list"). parents('div. ui-jqgrid-bdiv').

How is jqGrid height dynamically set?

Hi, You can use setGridHeight method of JQGrid to set the height of JQGrid. $(window). resize(function(){ $('#your_grid_id').

1 Answers

I would recommend you to set "max-height" property on the bdiv of jqGrid and use height:'100%' or height:'auto':


The "max-height" property will be not used by IE6, but more recent web browsers will use it.

UPDATED: Free jqGrid introduce in version 4.10.0 new property: maxHeight which do exactly the same as above. Thus one can just use maxHeight: 300 instead of manual setting of max-height of the parent div.ui-jqgrid-bdiv.

like image 73
Oleg Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
