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What do the result codes in SVN mean?



What do the result codes in SVN mean? I need a quick reference.

like image 843
Polsonby Avatar asked Aug 05 '08 09:08


People also ask

What does E status mean?

The E status only appears when the --force flag is used, without the flag the update would just fail. With the flag, it leaves the file alone and allows you to decide what to do with it. The puzzling thing about this situation is how it ended up thinking the file was unversioned immediately after a successful revert.

What is in svn status?

The svn status command informs you about what has changed in your local repository checkout compared to the moment you first checked it out or last did an update. It does not compare it to the contents of the svn server.

1 Answers

For additional details see the SVNBook: "Status of working copy files and directories".

The common statuses:

U: Working file was updated

G: Changes on the repo were automatically merged into the working copy

M: Working copy is modified

C: This file conflicts with the version in the repo

?: This file is not under version control

!: This file is under version control but is missing or incomplete

A: This file will be added to version control (after commit)

A+: This file will be moved (after commit)

D: This file will be deleted (after commit)

S: This signifies that the file or directory has been switched from the path of the rest of the working copy (using svn switch) to a branch

I: Ignored

X: External definition

~: Type changed

R: Item has been replaced in your working copy. This means the file was scheduled for deletion, and then a new file with the same name was scheduled for addition in its place.

L : Item is locked

E: Item existed, as it would have been created, by an svn update.

like image 114
Polsonby Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 16:10
