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How do you remove Subversion control for a folder?



People also ask

How remove checked out folder from SVN?

Just delete your complete local checked-out working copy (including all . svn directories). This will not modify your repository as you are not committing your deletion.

How do I delete a subversion repository?

Show activity on this post. Now, after performing "Click OK" you need to go to truck (or place where your project is saved in SVN) then select project(which you want to Delete) then right click -> Delete. This Will Delete project from subversion.

How do I delete a .SVN file in Windows?

Right click on the project, go to Team->disconnect. It will open a popup where you select the first option: 'Also delete the SVN meta-information from file system. ' This will remove all the SVN folders automatically along with svn property files that you might forget sometimes while removing .

Can I delete TortoiseSVN?

Use TortoiseSVN → Delete to remove files or folders from Subversion. When you TortoiseSVN → Delete a file or folder, it is removed from your working copy immediately as well as being marked for deletion in the repository on next commit. The item's parent folder shows a “modified” icon overlay.

Also, if you are using TortoiseSVN, just export to the current working copy location and it will remove the .svn folders and files.


Updated Answer for Subversion 1.7:
In Subversion 1.7 the working copy has been revised extensively. There is only one .svn folder, located in the base of the working copy. If you are using 1.7, then just deleting the .svn folder and its contents is an easy solution (regardless of using TortoiseSVN or command line tools).

On Linux, this will work:

  find . -iname ".svn" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r

Try svn export.

You should be able to do something like this:

svn export /path/to/old/working/copy /path/to/plain/code

And then just delete the old working copy.

TortoiseSVN also has an export feature, which behaves the same way.

If you are running Windows then you can do a search on that folder for .svn and that will list them all. Pressing Ctrl + A will select all of them and pressing delete will remove all the 'pesky' Subversion stuff.

On Linux the command is:

svn delete --keep-local file_name

I found that you don't even need to copy to a temporary location. You can do a

svn export --force .

and the .svn files will be removed in situ, leaving the other files as is. Very convenient and less prone to clutter.

Without subshells in Linux to delete .svn folders:

find . -name .svn -exec rm -r -f {} +

rm = remove
-r = recursive (folders)
-f = force, avoids a lot of "a your sure you want to delete file XY".