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SVN remains in conflict?



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How do I resolve conflicts in SVN?

To resolve a conflict do one of three things: Merge the conflicted text by hand (by examining and editing the conflict markers within the file). Copy one of the temporary files on top of the working file. Run svn revert FILENAME to throw away all of the local changes.

What causes SVN conflicts?

When you merge your branch back into the trunk, SVN tries to do the same again: It sees that a file was created in your branch, and tries to create it in your trunk in the merge commit, but it already exists! This creates a tree conflict. The way to avoid this, is to do a special merge, a reintegration.

How can I see SVN conflicts?

Step 1: View Conflicts Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict, (s) show all options: Subversion is complaining that there is a conflict with the README file, and Subversion does not know how to solve this. So Jerry chooses the df option to review the conflict.

Give the following command:

svn resolved <filename or directory that gives trouble>

(Thanks to @Jeremy Leipzig for this answer in a comment)

Ok here's how to fix it:

svn remove --force filename
svn resolve --accept=working  filename
svn commit

more details are at: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.8/svn.tour.treeconflicts.html

For me only revert --depth infinity option fixed Svn's directory remains in confict problem:

svn revert --depth infinity "<directory name>"
svn update "<directory name>"

  1. svn resolve
  2. svn cleanup
  3. svn update

..these three svn CLI commands in this sequence while cd-ed into the correct directory worked for me.