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What do directory names like D0C3BDDD4ADD4E87B2B5E803303B8D772 in Visual Studio symbol cache mean?

I have a symbol cache directory set to D:\symbols in Visual Studio options:


Within this directory Visual Studio creates a hierarchy with top-level directories matching PDB file names (e.g. ole32.pdb), on the next level are one or more directories like D0C3BDDD4ADD4E87B2B5E803303B8D772 (looking like 33-digit hexadecimal numbers) and inside them are PDB files themselves, presumably, downloaded from Microsoft Symbol Servers.

I suppose that these hexadecimal numbers represent versions of PDB files. I wonder, whether these numbers have any structure or meaning, and how they can be extracted from PDB files (ideally, using C#)?

Given a PDB file in some other folder, is it possible to find a directory in the symbol cache where Visual Studio debugger would look for it?

like image 680
Piotr Shatalin Avatar asked Jul 22 '13 23:07

Piotr Shatalin

People also ask

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pdb file holds debugging and project state information that allows incremental linking of a Debug configuration of your app. The Visual Studio debugger uses . pdb files to determine two key pieces of information while debugging: The source file name and line number to display in the Visual Studio IDE.

What is a PDB path?

PDB Path in CodeView Debug Information In both cases, the name of the PDB file with the . pdb extension is included to ensure the debugger locates the correct PDB for the program. A partially qualified PDB path would list only the PDB file name, such as: Test.pdb.

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From Visual Studio, select Tools > Options > Debugging. Select Symbols from the list, and then select the + sign to add a new Azure DevOps symbol server location.

2 Answers

The first 32 digits is just a GUID that is baked both into PE file (DLL, EXE, ...) and a corresponding PDB, next digits are so-called age in hexadecimal representation without leading zeros (it might be incremented during a build process by linking, signing, etc). In most cases an age fits into a single hex digit, hence 33 digits in total, sometimes called signature. You can extract a signature from a PDB file using the Debug Interface Access SDK. An example in C#:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

static class Program
    // Pass a PDB file name as a command-line parameter
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var pdbFile = args.FirstOrDefault();
        if (!File.Exists(pdbFile))

            var dataSource = (IDiaDataSource)Activator.CreateInstance(Marshal.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid("83AB22C8-993A-4D14-A0E0-37BC0AAEA793")));

            IDiaSession session;
            dataSource.OpenSession(out session);

            var globalScope = session.GlobalScope;
            Console.WriteLine(globalScope.Guid.ToString("N").ToUpperInvariant() + globalScope.Age.ToString("X"));
        catch (COMException) { } // May happen for corrupted PDB files

interface IDiaDataSource
    void _VtblGap_1();
    void LoadDataFromPdb(string pdbFile);
    void _VtblGap_3();
    void OpenSession(out IDiaSession session);

interface IDiaSession
    void _VtblGap_2();
    IDiaSymbol GlobalScope { get; }

interface IDiaSymbol
    void _VtblGap_43();
    Guid Guid { get; }
    void _VtblGap_28();
    uint Age { get; }
like image 198
Vladimir Reshetnikov Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10

Vladimir Reshetnikov

This value is a GUID that's embedded in both the assembly and the symbol file so they can be synced up.


You can run dumpbin /headers on your assembly to see the embedded GUID.

like image 24
Nick Gotch Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10

Nick Gotch