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What differences, if any, between C++03 and C++11 can be detected at run-time?

People also ask

What is the difference between C99 and C11?

C11 looked to address the issues of C99 and to more closely match the C++ standard, C++11. It changes some C99 features required to optional. Some of the features include variable length arrays and complex numbers. This makes it easier for compiler vendors to meet C11's required function set.

What changed in C ++ 11?

The C++11 Standard Library was also revamped with new algorithms, new container classes, atomic operations, type traits, regular expressions, new smart pointers, async() facility, and of course a multithreading library. A complete list of the new core and library features of C++11 is available here.

Is C99 a C++?

Parts of the C99 standard are included in the current version of the C++ standard, including integer types, headers, and library functions.

Core Language

Accessing an enumerator using :::

template<int> struct int_ { };

template<typename T> bool isCpp0xImpl(int_<T::X>*) { return true; }
template<typename T> bool isCpp0xImpl(...) { return false; }

enum A { X };
bool isCpp0x() {
  return isCpp0xImpl<A>(0);

You can also abuse the new keywords

struct a { };
struct b { a a1, a2; };

struct c : a {
  static b constexpr (a());

bool isCpp0x() {
  return (sizeof c::a()) == sizeof(b);

Also, the fact that string literals do not anymore convert to char*

bool isCpp0xImpl(...) { return true; }
bool isCpp0xImpl(char*) { return false; }

bool isCpp0x() { return isCpp0xImpl(""); }

I don't know how likely you are to have this working on a real implementation though. One that exploits auto

struct x { x(int z = 0):z(z) { } int z; } y(1);

bool isCpp0x() {
  auto x(y);
  return (y.z == 1);

The following is based on the fact that operator int&& is a conversion function to int&& in C++0x, and a conversion to int followed by logical-and in C++03

struct Y { bool x1, x2; };

struct A {
  operator int();
  template<typename T> operator T();
  bool operator+();
} a;

Y operator+(bool, A);

bool isCpp0x() {
  return sizeof(&A::operator int&& +a) == sizeof(Y);

That test-case doesn't work for C++0x in GCC (looks like a bug) and doesn't work in C++03 mode for clang. A clang PR has been filed.

The modified treatment of injected class names of templates in C++11:

template<typename T>
bool g(long) { return false; }

template<template<typename> class>
bool g(int) { return true; }

template<typename T>
struct A {
  static bool doIt() {
    return g<A>(0);

bool isCpp0x() {
  return A<void>::doIt();

A couple of "detect whether this is C++03 or C++0x" can be used to demonstrate breaking changes. The following is a tweaked testcase, which initially was used to demonstrate such a change, but now is used to test for C++0x or C++03.

struct X { };
struct Y { X x1, x2; };

struct A { static X B(int); };
typedef A B;

struct C : A {
  using ::B::B; // (inheriting constructor in c++0x)
  static Y B(...);

bool isCpp0x() { return (sizeof C::B(0)) == sizeof(Y); }

Standard Library

Detecting the lack of operator void* in C++0x' std::basic_ios

struct E { E(std::ostream &) { } };

template<typename T>
bool isCpp0xImpl(E, T) { return true; }
bool isCpp0xImpl(void*, int) { return false; }

bool isCpp0x() {
  return isCpp0xImpl(std::cout, 0);

I got an inspiration from What breaking changes are introduced in C++11?:

#define u8 "abc"

bool isCpp0x() {
   const std::string s = u8"def"; // Previously "abcdef", now "def"
   return s == "def";

This is based on the new string literals that take precedence over macro expansion.

How about a check using the new rules for >> closing templates:

#include <iostream>

const unsigned reallyIsCpp0x=1;
const unsigned isNotCpp0x=0;

struct isCpp0xImpl2
    typedef unsigned isNotCpp0x;

struct isCpp0xImpl
    static unsigned const reallyIsCpp0x=0x8000;
    static unsigned const isNotCpp0x=0;

bool isCpp0x() {
    unsigned const dummy=0x8000;
    return isCpp0xImpl<isCpp0xImpl2<dummy>>::reallyIsCpp0x > ::isNotCpp0x>::isNotCpp0x;

int main()

Alternatively a quick check for std::move:

struct any
    template<typename T>
    any(T const&)

int move(any)
    return 42;

bool is_int(int const&)
    return true;

bool is_int(any)
    return false;

bool isCpp0x() {
    std::vector<int> v;
    return !is_int(move(v));

Unlike prior C++, C++0x allows reference types to be created from reference types if that base reference type is introduced through, for example, a template parameter:

template <class T> bool func(T&) {return true; } 
template <class T> bool func(...){return false;} 

bool isCpp0x() 
    int v = 1;
    return func<int&>(v); 

Perfect forwarding comes at the price of breaking backwards compatibility, unfortunately.

Another test could be based on now-allowed local types as template arguments:

template <class T> bool cpp0X(T)  {return true;} //cannot be called with local types in C++03
                   bool cpp0X(...){return false;}

bool isCpp0x() 
   struct local {} var;
   return cpp0X(var);