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New posts in language-detection

Language detection for very short text [closed]

nlp nltk language-detection

language detection

c++ nlp ocr language-detection

how can I detect farsi web pages by tika?

python website language detection

Detect CJK characters in PHP

Recognizing text as Simplified vs. Traditional Chinese

Testing for Japanese/Chinese Characters in a string

How can I detect Russian spam posts with Perl?

Java language detection with langdetect - how to load profiles?

Adding language profile to Apache Tika

Automatically selecting country and language for user in Java Servlet

Detecting whether or not text is English (in bulk)

Python langdetect: choose between one language or the other only

Language detection with data in PostgreSQL

Textblob - HTTPError: HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests

How to detect the language of a given text

How to detect language

How to detect language of text?

php language-detection

Error using langdetect in python: "No features in text"

How to detect the language of a string?

c# language-detection