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What are WebGL's draw primitives?

I've been doing some graphics programming using webgl to draw OBJMesh's, but it hasn't gone too well as it is not drawing it correctly. I think thats because of the drawing primitives that I'm using e.g : gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, vertexBuffer.numItems);

So can I ask what primitives do webGL allow? is it the same as openGL? I've been trying to use gl.QUADS as I thought it would allow it as openGL does, so I'm not too sure anymore.

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Danny Avatar asked Jan 24 '13 14:01


People also ask

What are the drawing modes supported by WebGL?

The mode Parameter void drawElements(enum mode, long count, enum type, long offset); void drawArrays(enum mode, int first, long count);

What are GL primitives?

In OpenGL, an object is made up of geometric primitives such as triangle, quad, line segment and point. A primitive is made up of one or more vertices. OpenGL supports the following primitives: A geometric primitive is defined by specifying its vertices via glVertex function, enclosed within a pair glBegin and glEnd .

Does WebGL use shaders?

As mentioned in how it works WebGL requires 2 shaders every time you draw something. A vertex shader and a fragment shader. Each shader is a function.

1 Answers

From https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/specs/1.0/:

const GLenum POINTS                         = 0x0000;
const GLenum LINES                          = 0x0001;
const GLenum LINE_LOOP                      = 0x0002;
const GLenum LINE_STRIP                     = 0x0003;
const GLenum TRIANGLES                      = 0x0004;
const GLenum TRIANGLE_STRIP                 = 0x0005;
const GLenum TRIANGLE_FAN                   = 0x0006;
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Nathan Monteleone Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Nathan Monteleone