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What are the pros and cons of using AWS CodePipeline vs Jenkins

What are the pros and cons of using AWS CodePipeline vs Jenkins?

I can't see a whole lot of info on the interwebs (apart from https://stackshare.io/stackups/jenkins-vs-aws-codepipeline). As far as I can see they are as follows:

AWS CodePipeline Pros

  • Web-based
  • integrated with AWS
  • simple to setup (as web-based)

AWS CodePipeline Cons

  • can't be used to set up code repos locally

Jenkins Pros

  • standalone software
  • can be used for many systems (other than AWS)
  • many options for setup (e.g. plugins)
  • can be used to setup code repos locally

Any other major differences that people can use to make an informed choice?

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Snowcrash Avatar asked Mar 06 '17 15:03


People also ask

Is CodePipeline better than Jenkins?

Since CodePipeline is a managed service, you can run many pipelines in parallel without having to deal with additional infrastructure. Jenkins on the other hand is limited by the number of executors you have.

Is AWS CodePipeline same as Jenkins?

CodePipeline is an AWS managed service, meaning, it does not require management nor maintenance-overhead once it has been set up. Jenkins server on the other hand requires ongoing management of Jenkins itself, its plugins, integrations and the hosting OS (e.g. Linux or Windows).

What is Jenkins equivalent in AWS?

Jenkins and AWS CodePipeline are both easy to use and set up. Jenkins installation is straightforward and can be completed in minutes. AWS provides templates that rely on CodeBuild and CodeDeploy to start creating your pipelines.

How does AWS CodePipeline integrate with Jenkins?

Launch Jenkins, and on the home page, choose Manage Jenkins. On the Manage Jenkins page, choose Manage Plugins. Choose the Available tab, and in the Filter search box, enter AWS CodePipeline . Choose CodePipeline Plugin for Jenkins from the list and choose Download now and install after restart.

1 Answers

CodePipeline is a continuous "deployment" tool, while Jenkins is more of a continuous "integration" tool.

Continuous integration is a DevOps software development practice where developers regularly merge their code changes into a central repository, after which automated builds and tests are run.

With continuous deployment, code changes are automatically built, tested, and released to production. Continuous deployment expands upon continuous integration by deploying all code changes to a testing environment and/or a production environment after the build stage.


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ankitAWS Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10
