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How to delete a view named ".."

I created a new view in Cloudbees and, while configuring it, wanted it to remain somewhat unnoticed by the rest of my team. I renamed the view to "..", just because it was the first thing that came to mind.

Now I can't delete the group, because the use of ".." is interpreted as directory traversal.

  • I cannot navigate to the view by clicking the tab, since "https://{account}.ci.cloudbees.com/view/../" is the "https://{account}.ci.cloudbees.com/".
    • I can navigate to this view, but only by setting this as the default view inside "Manage Jenkins".
  • By the same URL pattern issues, I also cannot write a URL appropriate for deleting this view.
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Jeff Fairley Avatar asked Jan 21 '13 19:01

Jeff Fairley

2 Answers

Please specify Jenkins server, port and view name to delete custom view:

http://<jenkins-server>:<port>/view/<view name>/delete

Jenkins is problematic in this particular functionality.

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Jitesh Sojitra Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 06:11

Jitesh Sojitra

Just as I was finishing this question, I had another idea which was successful. I found by accident that "https://{account}.ci.cloudbees.com/view/../delete" will delete the default view. Another test confirmed that "https://{account}.ci.cloudbees.com/delete" deletes the default view.

  1. In "Manage Jenkins", set ".." as the default view.
  2. Enter "https://{account}.ci.cloudbees.com/delete" into the URL bar.
  3. Go back to "Manage Jenkins" to set a new default view.
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Jeff Fairley Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 06:11

Jeff Fairley