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Docker, Jenkins and Rails - Setup for running specs on a typical Rails stack

I would like a Jenkins master and slave setup for running specs on standard Rails apps (PostgreSQL, sidekiq/redis, RSPec, capybara-webkit, a common Rails stack), using docker so it can be put on other machines as well. I got a few good stationary machines collecting dust.

  1. Can anybody share an executable docker jenkins rails stack example?

  2. What prevents that from being done?

Preferable with master-slave setup too.

Preface: After days online, following several tutorials with no success, I am about to abandon project. I got a basic understanding of docker, docker-machine, docker compose and volumes, I got a docker registry of a few simple apps.

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oma Avatar asked Aug 23 '17 09:08


People also ask

How do I run a Rails program in Docker?

Rebuild the applicationlock to the host, followed by docker compose up --build . Now, rebuild and restart the app with docker compose up --build . Inside the container, your app is running on the same port as before 3000 , but the Rails Welcome is now available on http://localhost:3001 on your local host.

Can Jenkins be used with Docker?

Docker is a platform for running applications in an isolated environment called a "container" (or Docker container). Applications like Jenkins can be downloaded as read-only "images" (or Docker images), each of which is run in Docker as a container.

1 Answers

I know next to nothing about Jenkins, but I've used Docker pretty extensively on other CI platforms. So I'll just write about that. The level of difficulty is going to vary a lot based on your app's dependencies and quirks. I'll try and give an outline that's pretty generally useful, and leave handling application quirks up to you.

I don't think the problem you describe should require you to mess about with docker-machine. docker build and docker-compose should be sufficient.

First, you'll need to build an image for your application. If your application has a comprehensive Gemfile, and not too many dependencies relating to infrastructure etc (e.g. files living in particular places that the application doesn't set up for itself), then you'll have a pretty easy time. If not, then setting up those dependencies will get complicated. Here's a guide from the Docker folks for a simple Rails app that will help get you started.

Once the image is built, push it to a repository such as Docker Hub. Log in to Docker Hub and create a repo, then use docker login and docker push <image-name> to make the image accessible to other machines. This will be important if you want to build the image on one machine and test it on others.

It's probably worth spinning off a job to run your app's unit tests inside the image once the image is built and pushed. That'll let you fail early and avoid wasting precious execution time on a buggy revision :)

Next you'll need to satisfy the app's external dependencies, such as Redis and postgres. This is where the Docker Compose file comes in. Use it to specify all the services your app needs, and the environment variables etc that you'll set in order to run the application for testing (e.g. RAILS_ENV).

You might find it useful to provide fakes of some non-essential services such as in-memory caches, or just leave them out entirely. This will reduce the complexity of your setup, and be less demanding on your CI system.

The guide from the link above also has an example compose file, but you'll need to expand on it. The most important thing to note is that the name you give a service (e.g. db in the example from the guide) is used as a hostname in the image. As @tomwj suggested, you can search on Docker Hub for common images like postgres and Redis and find them pretty easily. You'll probably need to configure a new Rails environment with new hostnames and so on in order to get all the service hostnames configured correctly.

You're starting all your services from scratch here, including your database, so you'll need to migrate and seed it (and any other data stores) on every run. Because you're starting from an empty postgres instance, expect that to take some time. As a shortcut, you could restore a backup from a previous version before migrating. In any case, you'll need to do some work to get your data stores into shape, so that your test results give you useful information.

One of the tricky bits will be getting Capybara to run inside your application Docker image, which won't have any X displays by default. xvfb (X Virtual Frame Buffer) can help with this. I haven't tried it, but building on top of an image like this one may be of some help.

Best of luck with this. If you have the time to persist with it, it will really help you learn about what your application really depends on in order to work. It certainly did for me and my team!

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Lucas Wilson-Richter Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Lucas Wilson-Richter