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Routes in Engine mounted on subdomain do not inherit the constraints


Our current Rails app is made out of sub-apps that are mounted as engines. Typically these engines are mounted on a subdomain in the main routes.rb file as follows

mount MySubApp::Engine => '/', as: :sub_app, constraints: {subdomain: 'sub_app'}

The Problem

Routes within MySubApp's routes.rb file do not get the subdomain when using the named _url helpers. For example the following in apps/my_sub_app/config/routes.rb

MySubApp::Engine.routes.draw do
  resources :foos

gives us sub_app.foo_url(5) but it results in


when we want



How can I get the engine's mounting constraints passed to its named routes?

EDIT: A Workaround

While I'd still prefer a better solution, the following will work. You can wrap all the routes in each of the sub apps routes.rb files that could be mounted on a subdomain like so

MySubApp::Engine.routes.draw do
  constraints Rails.application.routes.named_routes[:sub_app].constraints do
    resources :foos

EDIT 2: A much less desirable workaround

A commenter (since deleted?) pointed out you can pass a subdomain option to the helpers but we'd like to avoid having to use sub_app.foo_url(5, {subdomain: 'sub_app'}) for every cross subdomain link. Even if we moved the subdomain name into an ENV var and made a wrapper, this is not DRY.

like image 953
Aaron Avatar asked May 23 '14 12:05


1 Answers

@Aaron not sure if you ever got this fixed, but look into the


setting (on the engine's config). I'm not sure how it'll react with engines, but in our case it lets us handle the case of sub-subdomains for our staging server (so when we use the _url helpers with the staging server it correctly does subdomain.staging.domain.com, rather than subdomain.domain.com).

like image 134
pnomolos Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 05:11
