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What are the prerequisites for learning embedded systems programming? [closed]



I have completed my degree in Computer Engineering. We had some basic electronics courses in Digital Signal Processing, Information Theory, etc. but my primary field is Programming.

However, I was looking to get into Embedded Systems Programming, and I have NO knowledge of how it is done. However, I am very keen on going into this field.

My questions :

  • What are the languages used to program embedded systems?
  • Will I be able to learn without having any basics in electronics?
  • Any other prerequisites that I should know?
like image 773
YD8877 Avatar asked Mar 22 '10 12:03


People also ask

Do you need coding for embedded systems?

Industry estimates say 80% of embedded systems use the C programming language. Cons: Requires developers to understand and use technical coding techniques that can be complicated.

Which programming language should I learn for embedded systems?

Python, C, and C++ have secured the highest ranks in the list. These languages are useful when it comes to embedded systems. Many lesser-known languages such as Elixir, and Ada are also used for programming embedded devices.

Is embedded system hard to learn?

Avoid These Mistakes. The market for embedded software development is one of the fastest growing areas of computing. But as the market grows, so too does the complexity of the devices.

1 Answers

Without a doubt, experience or at least a significant understanding of digital electronics and low level computer engineering is required. You'll need to be able to read device datasheets and understand them. Scopes, multimeters, logic analyzers, etc... are tools of the trade.

C is used mostly, but higher level languages are sneaking in slowly.

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kenny Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11
