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What are the main differences between Graylog2 and Kibana

What are the main differences between Graylog2 and Kibana?

We already use Graylog2 but I must admit I don't really like the UI. Just wonder in case it may be helpful to switch to Kibana.

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Sebastien Lorber Avatar asked Jun 20 '13 09:06

Sebastien Lorber

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Grafana's design for caters to analyzing and visualizing metrics such as system CPU, memory, disk and I/O utilization. The platform does not allow full-text data querying. Kibana, on the other hand, runs on top of Elasticsearch and is used primarily for analyzing log messages.

Is splunk similar to Kibana?

Kibana is the visualization tool in the ELK Stack, and like Splunk, the platform supports the creation of visualizations such as line charts, area arts and tables and the presentation of them in a dashboard.

Which is better splunk vs Graylog?

Splunk has more built-in solutions. While both are great products, smaller businesses with more time to experiment and set up their log management will likely find Graylog to be a better fit.

Is Graylog an elk?

Graylog is primarily for log analysis, whereas the ELK stack is mostly for big data analysis. Unlike ELK, it solely handles log data. In ELK, kibana is used for visualization; kibana must be put up separately from the others. Graylog is a complete processing and visualization system.

2 Answers

At my company we started with Graylog2 and recently installed Kibana3. My personal opinion is that Kibana3 is more suited towards non-dev, while Graylog isn't.


  • Pretty dashboards
  • Graphs, charts and images
  • "panel" customization, adding parallel coordinate graphs for example
  • Easy/flexible management of dashboards (they save directly into their own ES index)
  • Easy deployment (just clone the Kibana3 repo and serve it with your fav. web server)


  • Much simpler interface
  • Plain log "analysis" and good search capabilities
  • Built in authentication and user permissions
  • Built in alert mechanisms for your chosen streams

We still have Graylog2 running in parallel to Kibana3, but I don't think it will last for much longer. Kibana3 provides most, if not all, of the capabilities (that we needed), and on top of that it allows management friendly interfaces.

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Adam Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09


Having worked with both quite extensively, I can say that a merger between both would be great. The alerting on streams in Graylog is really neat and gets you very quick actionable metrics. Then again, Kibana's panel customization (although not as fully featured as many think) is very nice. The mixing and matching of queries and filters in context of a specific panel is very powerful. If only Kibana would integrate a similar stream-like panel with alerting...

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user1466483 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09
