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The logging tag can be at most 23 characters

Since update AS 1.1 Preview 2, I'm getting red lines under all my Log messages

Log.d(TAG, "message"); 

With message: "The logging tag can be at most 23 characters..".

I didn't update anything fundamentally, except Android Studio itself. Is this a bug?

like image 863
TomCB Avatar asked Jan 27 '15 10:01


1 Answers

You can disable it if you so choose.

In Android Studio, Analyze->Inspect Code.


Under Inspection Profile, click on the button with the 3 horizontal dots.

The following window should open. Search for "log" and uncheck "Too Long Log Tags".


Update: Android Studio 2.2, it is located under Android Lint: Correctness


like image 106
squeeish Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10
