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What are the defaults for Binding.Mode=Default for WPF controls?

In WPF Binding.Mode, when selecting Default, it depends in the property being binded.

I am looking for some list or some convention or any information for the defaults for the various controls.
I mean, what properties are TwoWay by default and so on. Any links, ideas, thoughts and even rants are welcommed!

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Shimmy Weitzhandler Avatar asked Nov 25 '09 14:11

Shimmy Weitzhandler

People also ask

What is the default binding mode in WPF?

Default Data-binding It just defines which is the default binding mode for the control's property. In WPF different controls has different default data-binding modes. For example, TextBlock's Text property has one-way as default binding mode but a TextBox's Text property has a two-way binding mode.

What are the types of binding in WPF?

Datacontext binding Property Binding with change notification from source Property Binding with change notification from client FallBack value Element Binding Binding with Converter Datacontext binding If any other source is not specified for data bindings then WPF by default searches the data Context.

What is binding in WPF?

Data binding is a mechanism in WPF applications that provides a simple and easy way for Windows Runtime apps to display and interact with data. In this mechanism, the management of data is entirely separated from the way data. Data binding allows the flow of data between UI elements and data object on user interface.

1 Answers

Similar to UpdateSourceTrigger, the default value for the Mode property varies for each property. User-editable properties such as TextBox.Text, ComboBox.Text, MenuItem.IsChecked, etc, have TwoWay as their default Mode value. To figure out if the default is TwoWay, look at the Dependency Property Information section of the property. If it says BindsTwoWayByDefault is set to true, then the default Mode value of the property is TwoWay. To do it programmatically, get the property metadata of the property by calling GetMetadata and then check the boolean value of the BindsTwoWayByDefault property.

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20100209025938/http://blogs.msdn.com/wpfsdk/archive/2006/10/19/wpf-basic-data-binding-faq.aspx

The safest way would be to always be explicit what kind of binding mode you want from a binding.

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Lars Truijens Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

Lars Truijens