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What are the cool and interesting things that you do during build-automation? [closed]

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What does a build automation tool do?

Automated Build Tool is a software that compiles the source code to machine code. Automation tools are used to automate the whole process of software build creation and the other related processes like packaging binary code and running the automated tests.

What is involved in build and test automation?

The main practice in a CI pipeline is to automate the build process. Within a build process, you want to ensure you are integrating and performing unit tests so that builds fail for code that does not meet functional requirements. Build and test automation is about integrating changes early and often.

Firing the executables off to http://virustotal.com for a virus scan against all the major anti-virus engines.

Not that we think our exes contain viruses, but sometimes you get a false positive and you don't want it to be a customer that finds it. 8-)

Ours has a twitter account so we can check its status anytime from anywhere

We have a Staples easy button that we've hooked up to fire off the build when pressed.

Create a report for any TODO/FIXME etc. that might be scattered around the code.

Here are some things I've done, do, or plan to do:

  • Update a traffic light (using an X10 gadget) to indicate build status (green=good, yellow=building, red=whoops!).
  • Generate code documentation, then update the project wiki with the documentation.
  • Other project wiki updates such as posting the current version number, providing a download link, and so on.
  • Deploy to (and roll-back if necessary) a test server where manual testing is done. I've typically done this using VMWare so the "deploy" is really the creation of a new VM instance.
  • Automatically move tickets that are "pending build" over to QA for testing.
  • Create defect reports for failed tests, failed builds, and compiler warnings.
  • Tag the build in version control (also apply version info).
  • Schedule a review after X or more failed builds within Y days. (e.g. if three fails occur in one week, we need to meet to figure out what's going on)
  • Schedule a "pizza and beer" party for error-free weeks.
  • Play a loud "ca-ching!" sound over the PA system whenever a feature we know will lead to a new sale is completed. At my old company, our sales group loved this useless feature :).