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Team Build: Publish locally using MSDeploy

I'm just getting started with the team build functionality and I'm finding the sheer amount of things required to do something pretty simple a bit overwhelming. My setup at the moment is a solution with a web app, an assembly app and a test app. The web app has a PublishProfile set up which publishes via the filesystem.

I have a TFS build definition set up which currently builds the entire solution nightly and drops it onto a network share as a backup of old builds. All I want to do now is have the PublishProfile I've already setup publish the web app for me. I'm sure this is really simple but I've been playing with MSBuild commands for a full day now with no luck. Help!

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Chris Surfleet Avatar asked Oct 28 '10 10:10

Chris Surfleet

People also ask

What does MSDeploy EXE do?

Automating Web Package Deployment cmd file or by using MSDeploy.exe directly, you can parameterize your commands and call them from a target in a Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) project file.

How do I publish a web deployment package?

To configure settings on the Connection tabIn the Publish method drop-down list, select Web Deploy Package. In the Package location box, enter the path to where you want the package to be created, including the . zip file name; for example, c:\temp\<projectname>. zip.

2 Answers

Unfortunately sharing of the Publish Profile is not supported or implemented in MSBuild. The logic to publish from the profile is contained in VS itself. Fortunately the profile doesn't contain much information so there are ways to achieve what you are looking for. Our targets do not specifically support the exact same steps as followed by the publish dialog, but to achieve the same result from team build you have two choices, I will outline both here.

When you setup your Team Build definition in order to deploy you need to pass in some values for the MSBuild Arguments for the build process. See image below where I have highlighted this. alt text

Option 1: Pass in the following arguments:


Let me explain these parameters a bit, show you the result then explain the next option. DeployOnBuild=true:This tells the project to execute the target(s) defined in the DeployTarget property.

DeployTarget=PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder: This specifies the DeployTarget target.

PackageTempRootDir="\\sayedha-w500\BuildDrops\Publish": This specifies the location where the package files will be written. This is the location where the files are written before they are packaged.

AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false: This tells the Web Publishing Pipeline (WPP) to not parameterize the connection strings in the web.config file. If you do not specify this then your connection string values will be replaced with placeholders like $(ReplacableToken_dummyConStr-Web.config Connection String_0)

After you do this you can kick off a build then inside of the PackageTempRootDir location you will find a PackageTmp folder and this contains the content that you are looking for.

Option 2: So for the previous option you probably noticed that it creates a folder named PackageTmp and if you do not want that then you can use the following options instead.


The difference here is that instead of PackageTempRootDir you would pass in _PackageTempDir. The reason why I don't suggest that to begin with is because MSBuild properties that start with _ signify that the property in essentially "internal" in the sense that in a future version it may mean something else or not exist at all. So use at your own risk.

Option 3

With all that said, you could just use the build to package your web. If you want to do this then use the following arguments.


When you do this in the drop folder for your build you will find the _PublishedWebsites folder as you normally would, then inside of that there will be a folder {ProjectName}_Package where {ProjectName} is the name of the project. This folder will contain the package, the .cmd file, the parameters file and a couple others. You can use these files to deploy your web.

I hope that wasn't information over load.

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Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09

Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi

The ability to publish web sites, configure IIS and push schema changes for the DEV->QA->RELEASE cycle has required either custom configuration to imitate publish or custom code where IIS settings are involved.

As of Visual Studio 2013.2 Microsoft has added a third party product that manages deployment of web sites, configuration changes and database deployment with windows workflow and would be the recommended solution for automating deployment from TFS build.

More information can be found here:


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Mike Beeler Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

Mike Beeler