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What are Compass and Sass and how do they differ?

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What is SassScript and how it is different from Sass?

SASS uses a small set of extensions known as SassScript which can be included in the SASS documents to compute variables from property values and uses properties of variables, arithmetic, and other functions.

How do I use a compass in Sass?

Step: Use Compass sass or . scss files into standard CSS open the command line and type the following line and press ENTER. You need to replace PATH/TO/FOLDER with the path of the sass or scss folder of the theme. After that compass watches the folder for changes and automatically generates the CSS files.

What is Compass Ruby?

Compass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintenance of CSS.

From Sass and Compass in Action, by Wynn Netherland, Nathan Weizenbaum, Chris Eppstein, and Brandon Mathis:

1.3 What is Compass?

Compass helps Sass authors write smarter stylesheets and empowers a community of designers and developers to create and share powerful frameworks. Put simply, Compass is a Sass framework, designed to make the work of styling the web smooth and efficient. Much like Rails as a web application framework for Ruby, Compass is a collection of helpful tools and battle-tested best practices for Sass.

(emphasis added)

Compass is an extension of Sass (as in Compass requires Sass). It has its own compiler (instead of sass --watch, you use compass watch). It has a large collection of mixins and functions that you'll find incredibly useful (while commonly pointed to for generating vendor prefixed CSS3 properties, it can do things like automatically generate spritemaps and the CSS to go with them).

Compass is also built in such a way that you can bundle your own bootstrap type library for easily deploying in multiple projects without the need to copy/paste the source for it in each one.