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Change the color of glyphicons to blue in some- but not at all places using Bootstrap 2

People also ask

How do I change the color of Glyphicons?

Approach: First, we need to assign the id attribute to the particular glyphicon which you need to customize by using CSS. We can apply the color property to the particular id and change the icon color by using a hex value or normal color. The id is an attribute that is used to access the whole tag.

What can I use instead of Glyphicons?

Free Alternatives to Glyphicons You can use both Font Awesome and Github Octicons as a free alternative for Glyphicons.

Can I use Glyphicons in Bootstrap 4?

Bootstrap 4 does not have its own icon library (Glyphicons from Bootstrap 3 are not supported in BS4). However, there are many free icon libraries to choose from, such as Font Awesome and Google Material Design Icons.

What is the main usage of Glyphicons in Bootstrap?

The bootstrap glyphicons are an icon used for form, text, navigation and many other web components. This helps to reduce text and give meaningful information in short.

The icon will adopt the color from value of the color css property of it's parent.

You can either add this directly to the style:

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user" style="color:blue"></span>

Or you can add it as a class to your icon and then set the font color to it in CSS


<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user blue"></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>


.blue {
    color: blue;

This fiddle has an example.

Simply apply Twitter Bootstrap text-success class on Glyphicon:

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play text-success">начал работу</span>

enter image description here

Full list of available colors: Bootstrap Documentation: Helper classes
(Blue is present also)

Finally I found answer myself. To add new icons in 2.3.2 bootstrap we have to add Font Awsome css in you file. After doing this we can override the styles with css to change the color and size.

<link href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/3.2.1/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet">



If we want change the color of icon then just add brown class and icon will turn in brown color. It also provide icon of various size.


<p><i class="icon-camera-retro icon-large brown"></i> icon-camera-retro</p> <!--brown class added-->
<p><i class="icon-camera-retro icon-2x"></i> icon-camera-retro</p>
<p><i class="icon-camera-retro icon-3x"></i> icon-camera-retro</p>
<p><i class="icon-camera-retro icon-4x"></i> icon-camera-retro</p>

You can do this as well, hopeit helps

<span style="color:black"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-music"></i></span>