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Scroll back to the top of scrollable div

People also ask

How do you make a div scroll to the top?

We can use the scroll method of an element to scroll a scrollable div back to the top. Then we can add some content to the div and make the div scroll to the top when we click the button by writing: const div = document. querySelector('div') for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const p = document.

How do I scroll to the element inside a scrollable div?

onclick = function () { console. log('click') scrollTo(document. getElementById('container'), topPos-10, 600); } function scrollTo(element, to, duration) { var start = element. scrollTop, change = to - start, currentTime = 0, increment = 20; var animateScroll = function(){ currentTime += increment; var val = Math.

How do you scroll automatically to the top of the page using JavaScript?

Method 1: Using window.scrollTo() The scrollTo() method of the window Interface can be used to scroll to a specified location on the page. It accepts 2 parameters the x and y coordinate of the page to scroll to. Passing both the parameters as 0 will scroll the page to the topmost and leftmost point.

What does scrollTop return?

The scrollTop() method sets or returns the vertical scrollbar position for the selected elements.

var myDiv = document.getElementById('containerDiv');
myDiv.innerHTML = variableLongText;
myDiv.scrollTop = 0;

See the scrollTop attribute.

Another way to do it with a smooth animation is like this

$("#containerDiv").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "fast");

I tried the existing answers to this question, and none of them worked on Chrome for me. What did work was slightly different:

$('body, html, #containerDiv').scrollTop(0);

This worked for me :
