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Wf 4 Receive Activity: Difference between Messages and Parameters

Receive activities in WF4 can take two kind of values, Message or Parameters. Does anybody know the different between these two?


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federubin Avatar asked Oct 25 '22 11:10


1 Answers

Not much out there on the differences, but I did find one link that might illuminate the difference. Based on what I've found, it looks like the real difference is in how each is used by WCF. Check out: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/wfprerelease/thread/6fada456-435e-49d6-aaf3-283315b21c13

Based on how I read this, I think the Message is used when you have a MessageContract to pass in, whereas Parameters are for types without a MessageContract wrapper, or for DataContracts.

like image 148
Brandon Satrom Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11

Brandon Satrom