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Weird JSON Javascript problem in Rails

I'm trying to get my JSON from my controller to my view. In my controller I am doing:

@nodes = Node.all @json = @nodes.as_json(:only => [:ID, :Lat, :Lon])  

In my view I have tried:

1) var stuff = <%= @json %> 2) var stuff = <%= @json.to_json %> 3) var stuff = <%= @json.to_json.to_json %> 

and all of those give me an error. I usually get an "Unexpected Syntax Error &" or "Unexpected Syntax Error {"

I have also tried using jquery and using respond_to within the controller, but that doesn't seem to work either.

My thoughts are that getting json to the view shouldn't be a big issue and shouldn't require jQuery, and currently, my page source looks like:

var stuff = [{&quot;node&quot;:{&quot;ID&quot;:1301499692582,&quot;Lat&quot;:42.3605063113369,&quot;Lon&quot;:-71.0870862191138}},{&quot;node&quot;:{&quot;ID&quot;:1301499691515,&quot;Lat&quot;:42.3605147089149,&quot;Lon&quot;:-71.0870533282532}},{&quot;node&quot;:{&quot;ID&quot;:1301431075499,&quot;Lat&quot;:42.3605456103,&quot;Lon&quot;:-71.0875239075536}} etc 

I dont understand the &quot symbols (maybe thats where the syntax error is coming from) but when I do render :json => @nodes.to_json, the page renders a normal json that is valid:


Note: I've also tried doing var stuff = '<%= @json.to_json %> but when I do var json = JSON.parse(stuff), it gives me an illegal token error.

Can someone please help me with this? Thanks so much!

like image 978
readmymsg123 Avatar asked May 11 '11 20:05


1 Answers

This is Rails html-encoding your string as is default in Rails 3.

You need to mark your JSON as html_safe:

var stuff = <%= @json.to_s.html_safe %> 

Note that .to_s is needed because as_json gives Hash instead of string. You could do this instead:

# in controller @json = @nodes.to_json(:only => [:ID, :Lat, :Lon])   #and in view var stuff = <%= @json.html_safe %> 
like image 139
Laas Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10
