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How to join two jQuery element objects? .add() isn't working

I'm inside a function and I need to return a jQuery object with two elements. Inside the function I have, for example:

function getInput() {
    $hiddenInput = $('<input type="hidden">');
    //(other code)
    $select = $('<select></select>');
    //(other code)
    return $hiddenInput;

And outside I have:


The result expected would be:

<div id="container"><input type="hidden"><select></select></div>

But the only thing I get right now with .add() is only the input element and not the select. How can I joint those two form elements on the function return? If not possible with jQuery, then with plain JavaScript. Thanks a lot.

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Alejandro García Iglesias Avatar asked Aug 26 '10 17:08

Alejandro García Iglesias

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3 Answers

add() creates (and returns) a new jQuery object that is the union of the original set and what you're adding to it, but you're still returning the original in your function. You seem to have wanted to do this instead:

function getInput() {
    $hiddenInput = $('<input type="hidden">');
    //(other code)
    $select = $('<select></select>');
    //(other code)
    return $hiddenInput.add($select);
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Tim Stone Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Tim Stone

You can use


That will put the $select after the $hiddenInput, achieving what you want to get.

like image 28
Jeff Rupert Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10

Jeff Rupert

You can use the following:

this.MergejQueryObjects = function(arrayOfJqueryObjects) {
        return $($.map(arrayOfJqueryObjects, function (el) {
            return el.get();
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Mohammad Dayyan Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10

Mohammad Dayyan