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webpack common chunks plugin vs webpack dll plugin

Before I used webpack common chunks plugin to create vendor bundle containing third party libraries like angular, react, lodash etc, but then I knew about webpack dll plugin. They seem do the same things but dll plugin also allows you to reduce build time. So I'm confused do I need to use both these plugins together. Should I use common chunks plugin for creating vendor bundle in production build and dll plugin in development build. Or I should use dll plugin in both production and development builds? Could you please explain this?

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pavel06081991 Avatar asked Jan 27 '17 09:01


People also ask

What is a DLL plugin?

The DllPlugin and DllReferencePlugin provide means to split bundles in a way that can drastically improve build time performance. The term "DLL" stands for Dynamic-link library which was originally introduced by Microsoft.

What is DLL in Webpack?

The DLL plugin does this by creating a manifest. json file. This file is used to map import requests to the bundled module. When an import request is made to a module from other bundles, webpack checks if there is an entry in the manifest. json file to that module.

What is common chunk?

The CommonsChunkPlugin is an opt-in feature that creates a separate file (known as a chunk), consisting of common modules shared between multiple entry points.

What are Webpack chunks?

Chunk: This webpack-specific term is used internally to manage the bundling process. Bundles are composed out of chunks, of which there are several types (e.g. entry and child).

2 Answers

Sorry for long answer, but let's hope it can help make things clearer.

CommonsChunkPlugin rationale

Project author defines a number of application entry points that will produce a bundle each. Typical examples are vendor, polyfills, main, but for example your app could be split in several independent "areas" that makes sense to load separately (like e.g. login, main, settings).

Project author then defines which one of those bundles, or a separate one, should contain code common to all of them. That is tipically 3rd party libraries and your own shared utilities across all entry points.

Then it is plugin responsibility to analyze and collect such common code, then put it in defined bundle. All such analysis and work happens again and again everytime you start a new build, and - in watch mode - when you modify code that is shared and happens to fall into commons bundle.

Such a split is useful both for a development build as well as for a production build. But for dev environment, let's just say that re-building code related to vendors and polyfills might take quite some time and it can be a waste when you're not really changing those parts (assuming 3rd party code you depend on is larger than your own codebase).

DllPlugin rationale

Given the same environment, for example development, project author creates two webpack configurations where there used to be one. The plugin could be applied to production environment, although it can be said that DllPlugin makes more sense in development (see below).

First webpack build configuration is needed for so-called DLLs, which are kind of close to the commons code seen before, but not exactly. To my understanding, DLLs mostly tend to group 3rd party code (vendor and polyfills) and not your own shared utility code, but again this is more an impression and not a strict rule. Anyway, here project author should group code that changes much less frequently during a normal development session. The idea, in dev environment, is to run this build every once in a while, for example when a dependency changes. And usually it is up to the developer to fire this build when s/he think is needed.

The other webpack build configuration is needed for project own code, or anyway code that changes regularly while doing dev work. This is the actual build that developer will run again and again, or will run in watch mode, and at this point it should be very much quicker as compared to the single build seen in CommonsChunk scenario.

So, all in all, they seem similar, but they let you hit different targets. So much, that you could consider using DllPlugin for your dev environment (advantage: short compile time), while using CommonsChunkPlugin for production (advantage: short load time when app changes). Again, you could as well use DllPlugin also in production, with the small inconvenience of having to run two builds in a row: one for DLLs, next the one for the app.


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superjos Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10


You use one or the other. Here is an article, which describes how to use DllPlugin and down at the bottom of the page you can see alternative methods of accomplishing the same thing. It tells you what the differences are as well as advantages and disadvantages. This should get you started.

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user981375 Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10
